Friday, May 31, 2013

#nvleg Let Governor Sandoval take the political risk #SB221 #SB322

There's two bills in the Nevada legislature that have (or at least should have) good support in Nevada's largest county: SB 221 The background checks for fire arms purchases and SB 322 which would add more positions to the state transportation board of directors, and is written so that Clark County (home to 70+% of the states population) would be given more seats on the board.

Governor Sandoval has already publicly said he would veto the bill (SB 221) on back ground checks for fire arm purchases and for some unknown reason SB 322 has been buried in committee and might not see the light of day in the waning hours of the legislative session.

So here's an open door for the democratic caucus (at least the southern Nevada contingent) to force the governors hand.

Get SB 221 out and passed and let Governor Sandoval veto it. The public polling suggests that background checks aren't the big threat to "liberty" the overzealous "gun enthusiast's" say it is.

For the sake of Clark County, SB 322 needs to get passed out of committee and also needs to be voted on and sent to the governor. This bill would also make the Clark County republicans make a choice as to, are they going to stand up for Clark County, or will they cave on supporting their home turf.

So let Governor Sandoval veto these bills and let him face the politics of those veto's. Also this gets the Clark County GOPer's on the record as either having supported their home county or allowing the underpopulated northern's have the major say on whether Clark County will get funding for our highways & freeways.

Sack up democrats and play a little hardball !!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

#NVLEG In a Cage & Reeling over film industry tax break #SB165

There is a bill (SB165) before the legislature to allow tax breaks for the film industry, which is intended to bring more film/movie production to Nevada.

Even Hollywood and new Las Vegas area resident Nick Cage went to Carson City to testify in support of this bill, which isn't surprising since Cage is obviously closely tied to the benefits of this bill.

The state Democratic party has come out with a petition to add support for the bill, but some in the democratic/progressive base are balking and casting aspersions on the bill. Those showing angst are saying why give film makers tax breaks when Nevada is busing mental patients one way out of state (Could be a documentary on this issue) and also Nevada is bringing up the rear in pretty much every negative education related category.

I can see this as a somewhat fair gripe by progressives on the surface.

But let's separate the film bill from the education and mental health issues affecting Nevada.

There is currently some filming done in Nevada, and Las Vegas has been a draw for Hollywood over the years and probably will continue to be (and not always in the best light).

Currently Nevada gets a few movies filmed in Nevada and Nevada reaps some tax benefit from those productions, but that probably is limited to one to four movies a Nevada gets the full tax windfall from the (say) four movies and peripheral production support.

Now imagine with some incentives, perhaps Hollywood might look to the varied Nevada landscapes, locations and unique offerings, so that 10, 15, 20, 30 movies opt to film in Nevada.

With more filming being done in Nevada and with Las Vegas being a short hop from the film industry base in Southern California, would there be incentive to locate some production/post production and other film industry support operations, which brings jobs, diversifies the Nevada economy and also pumps money into the coffers of local and state government.

Right now Nevada might be getting 100% taxation on 4 movies just on the filming side...........where this bill has the potential to bring in 75-80% taxation on 15 to 30 movies, not just in location filming, but also eventually in production, post-production, sound stage operations and all the peripheral jobs that come with movie production.

Sometimes there is bigger money in volume as opposed to limited volume - Think Wal-Mart, they thrive on volume to make billions...............and this bill has the potential to bring volume to Nevada and also expand the film industry in Nevada.

And if this bill does bring in extra taxation revenue above the current levels, then all of Nevada can benefit................and the workforce benefits by an increase in a new industry that helps diversify Nevada's economy.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Why can't teachers just TEACH?!?! #NVLEG

As I perused the Twitter-verse and the pages of Facebook, I came across a bill in the Nevada Legislature that would permit teachers or any other "yahoo" who happens to be employed by the school to administer insulin injections to diabetic students.

First off, there should be no discrimination against diabetic students attending public schools.

In my day we had school nurses who took care of the little ailments, bumps and scrapes and we let the teachers teach!

But there seems a movement today to not only expect teachers to teach (and get impossibly super results) but there is a movement afoot to have teachers become personal armed body guards, dispute arbiters' and now in the Nevada Legislature there is a bill that would allow teachers to act as nurses!!!

What can't teachers do?!?! Might as well get rid of the school bus system and let teachers run a taxi service to get the kids to school (Lord knows they could use the added income!).

SB320 which is being introduced by Democratic Senator Mo Denis would make it so teachers, office staff, administrators and perhaps even janitors to be able to give diabetic kids their insulin injections!

This bill has the potential to be loaded with liabilities and issues that won't end well. Teachers have enough on their plate without having to deal with needles, syringes and bodily fluids. Are teachers to carry a supply of latex gloves at all times in case an injection need be done??

Let's fund education so that each school has a nurse or two. Professionals who are trained to handle the basic medical needs seen in schools. Let's not extend teachers job requirements from teaching to adding armed guard and nurse.

With all the hoo-rah surrounding failing schools, test results, and any other hot topic gripe, let's not add the onus of being nurse to the job of TEACHER.

#NVLeg Song & Dance Tax !!!

Checking in on the Nevada Legislature as the days draw to a close, with 27 days remaining in the 120 day session.

Today the Democrats rolled out a tax plan!

Can't say I'm thrilled with this idea to generate revenue for Nevada, as the Assembly Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick has brought up an admissions tax on entertainment! Which means pretty much anything locals & tourists attend will be hit with a 8% tax.

Seems this new tax will replace the existing "live entertainment" tax, with a more wide reaching and easier to navigate simple 8% tax on everything except non-profit gatherings and small 50 seat or less venues.

This is another tax on the local population plain and simple. It hits the very pocketbooks of the citizens' who already pay a hefty sales tax.

Was there any thought of maybe asking the business community to pay a little tax? Year after year Nevada's lawmakers shy away from even thinking of asking the states largest businesses to pay a few taxes. Large retailers in Nevada don't pay a profits tax, and guess what, Nevadans see no benefits from these companies getting the tax break by seeing lower prices at the store. Just like mining, the large retailers take their Nevada based profits and ship them out of state!!

With this bill just being introduced with 27 days left, means a swift flurry of activity will surround the bill and as usual the Democrats have waited to the final buzzer to offer any tax plan.

Why it took 93 days to introduce this bill is a mystery, because on the surface it's far from anything that would take 93 days to conjure could have been done across the street over a few mugs of beer & a napkin.

It won't be surprising to see Republicans lampoon this bill and Governor Sandoval has already (in mere hours after the big announcement) chimed in as an opponent.

Unless Someone can tell me a reason to like this bill, I as a staunch DEMOCRAT am in full agreement with Nevada's REPUBLICAN Governor. And that shouldn't happen!