Thursday, May 9, 2013

#NVLEG In a Cage & Reeling over film industry tax break #SB165

There is a bill (SB165) before the legislature to allow tax breaks for the film industry, which is intended to bring more film/movie production to Nevada.

Even Hollywood and new Las Vegas area resident Nick Cage went to Carson City to testify in support of this bill, which isn't surprising since Cage is obviously closely tied to the benefits of this bill.

The state Democratic party has come out with a petition to add support for the bill, but some in the democratic/progressive base are balking and casting aspersions on the bill. Those showing angst are saying why give film makers tax breaks when Nevada is busing mental patients one way out of state (Could be a documentary on this issue) and also Nevada is bringing up the rear in pretty much every negative education related category.

I can see this as a somewhat fair gripe by progressives on the surface.

But let's separate the film bill from the education and mental health issues affecting Nevada.

There is currently some filming done in Nevada, and Las Vegas has been a draw for Hollywood over the years and probably will continue to be (and not always in the best light).

Currently Nevada gets a few movies filmed in Nevada and Nevada reaps some tax benefit from those productions, but that probably is limited to one to four movies a Nevada gets the full tax windfall from the (say) four movies and peripheral production support.

Now imagine with some incentives, perhaps Hollywood might look to the varied Nevada landscapes, locations and unique offerings, so that 10, 15, 20, 30 movies opt to film in Nevada.

With more filming being done in Nevada and with Las Vegas being a short hop from the film industry base in Southern California, would there be incentive to locate some production/post production and other film industry support operations, which brings jobs, diversifies the Nevada economy and also pumps money into the coffers of local and state government.

Right now Nevada might be getting 100% taxation on 4 movies just on the filming side...........where this bill has the potential to bring in 75-80% taxation on 15 to 30 movies, not just in location filming, but also eventually in production, post-production, sound stage operations and all the peripheral jobs that come with movie production.

Sometimes there is bigger money in volume as opposed to limited volume - Think Wal-Mart, they thrive on volume to make billions...............and this bill has the potential to bring volume to Nevada and also expand the film industry in Nevada.

And if this bill does bring in extra taxation revenue above the current levels, then all of Nevada can benefit................and the workforce benefits by an increase in a new industry that helps diversify Nevada's economy.

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