Thursday, July 12, 2012

Are opinions on Health Care act changing?

Pew Research recently released new poll numbers on various issues surrounding the 2012 elections:

Over the last 4 Pew polls the numbers of pepole approving of the health care law (ACA) have yo-yo'ed back and forth. Seemed from 2009 through late 2011 every poll had more people in disapproval of the ACA.

Four recent polls Pew released from March 2012 through June 2012 shows the law gaining the edge with more people approving of the ACA in two of their four polls.

March 2012: 44% against vs 40% for
April 2012: 47% for vs 45% against
May 2012: 49% against vs 41% for
June 2012: 47% for vs 43% against.

Link to Pew results:

So the populace seems to be finding a middle ground on the health care act with equal numbers on each side.

Now that the Supreme Court has made their ruling, that removes the technical "constitutionality" aspect of the law (though some will still remain adamant the law is unconstitutional). With the SC ruling out of the way and on record, it now comes down to the law itself. There is a huge amount of misinformation, misunderstanding and outright lies being tossed around regarding the law. However, if the real iron clad truth of the law gets through to people, I think we will see future polls slide to showing more people in favor of the law.

Once people see that there are benefits and that the law is not a government take over, not a tax on the middle class, does not cut from Medicare, does not ration health care and there are no "death panels", people should be seeing the positives that this law will bring to the people.

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