Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Louie Gohmert is stupid again (Part 2)

Republican representative Louie Gohmert, makes no effort to hide the fact he's a loon, and today Louie makes another stunning effort in his race to be the top ranked moron in the House GOP!

Here is the text of Mr. Gohmert's comment: Well, it’s obvious that John McCain didn’t even read the letter because of what he said in accusing Michele and us of making these horrible accusations. There were five letters and there were many things that are stated that are facts in each letter. And I wish some of these numb nuts would go out and read the letter before they make these horrible allegations about the horrible accusations we’re making. But we also know that John McCain himself had said back in the early stages of stuff going on in Egypt that he was, in his words, “unalterably opposed to helping the Muslim Brotherhood.” Well, obviously the unalterable person has been altered, so he is okay with it now.

Full article with audio feed available here: http://thinkprogress.org/security/2012/07/24/576071/tea-party-congressman-calls-mccain-numb-nuts-for-criticizing-bachmanns-anti-muslim-witch-hunt/?mobile=nc

It appears Mr. Ghomert is allying himself with fellow house loon Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) in their two person crusade against Muslims. Recall it was Gohmert who, in the not too distant past, came up with the "terror babies" theory, where Muslim babies being born in the US are really a sleeper cell, that will be programmed to carry out terrorist attacks in the distant future. Ms. Bachmann has been making news (of the weird) with here attacks on a Muslim person in the Secretary of States Office who is a senior aide Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With what we have seen from the republican party, this is one major tactic they use as an offensive weapon; that is distract with wild accusations and inane theories dealing with a "scary" threat to US and American freedom. In the 1950's republican Joseph McCarthy (WI) stirred up the country with his witch hunt for communists inside the US government, and here we have in 2012 a similar situation where fear mongering about Muslims inside the US government.

Again this begs the question: Just HOW do candidates like Louie Gohmert and Michelle Bachmann manage to get elected..............it really boggles the mind that anyone with any resemblance or sanity could actually walk into a voting booth and cast a ballot for candidates like Gohmert and Bachmann.

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